During our daily activities, our bodies undergo a lot of strains or stressful situations. These events can cause the body to wear out easily if one does not work on reducing it.

Stress is also the body’s reaction to any change that comes to it. It is important to reduce, manage, or eliminate stress if you keep the body healthy.

In this article, I am going to highlight all the things that pertain to stress. I shall touch on the causes, how to manage, especially through exercise and the effects. Please read on for more information.

What are the causes of stress?

Stress occurs due to several factors. There are no specific causes of stress. However, any change that the body is experiencing can lead to stress. The common causative factors include:

  • Too much work with a strict deadline.
  • When the person is undergoing depression.
  • Living in horrible conditions such as the environment where there is war and or fighting.
  • Being anxious, such as waiting for examination results.
  • When you bump into scary animals such as a snake.
  • If the body is not feeling generally well.

There are several ways with which stress can occur. The above points are just but a few examples.

How Does Exercise reduce stress

Who do you get to know that you are undergoing stress?

The body will communicate when it is undergoing stress. When you notice some uncommon changes taking place in the body, then chances are you have stress. These signs include:

  • Mild to severe headache.
  • Stomach problems, such as diarrhea.
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure. However, the rise in blood pressure is quite common with stress.
  • Muscle strains. The muscles may tighten a little bit.
  • High pulse rate. When you are undergoing stress, the heart will tend to beat harder and faster.
  • You may become too forgetful. The rate of forgetting increases.
  • Concentration will also increase to high levels.
  • The whole body may experience tension. In some cases, you will notice that the person who is under stress is shaking uncontrollably.

Different people respond to stress differently. One may not necessarily display any of the above signs. In some cases, it might even become difficult to know that you are suffering from it. It is, therefore, essential to check oneself routinely so that you can avoid stress.

How Does Exercise reduce stress

What are the ways of mitigating stress?

Stress is harmful and dangerous in the long run. In some instances, it can even lead to fatalities. Several people prefer going for the medication to manage or even reduce it. However, other methods are managing it are available.

Among them is frequent exercise. Exercising is an effective way of managing stress, and it is the most commonly recommended method. It is because it helps to manage the stress while at the same time keeping the body fit. Medications, on the other hand, can harm the body in the long run.

It is, however, worth noting that stress is a manageable condition. There are several methods to deal with it. I am going to highlight other different methods of dealing with stress apart from the two listed above.

Other methods that are useful for reducing stress include:

  • Getting enough and adequate sleep. It is healthy that you take an eight-hour sleep in a day.
  • Try to talk to someone. Studies show that when you share a problem with someone, you will have solved it halfway. Get a close friend, a member of your family, or even a workmate and share your predicaments.
  • Do more physical activity. However, try to regulate the exercise so that you do not strain more.
  • Manage your time well. Most of the work-related stress occurs due to time constraints. These could include failure to meet targets on time, getting late, or being behind schedule. It attracts scolding from employers, and this can lead to stress. To avoid this, you should plan your time well. You can execute this well by maintaining a timetable and keeping a stress diary.
  • Try to relax whenever you feel stress creeping in. Sometimes, all you need to do is to relax, remain calm, and be composed. This technique will help reduce or keep it at bay.
  • Avoid consuming products that can lead to stress. Such products include nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and so on. If you cannot avoid it totally, you can try to reduce the intake. A common saying goes this way, “too much of something is poison.” So if you take the above products in large quantities, it will eventually lead to stress.
  • Take control of everything. If you let the environment control you, you will eventually fall into stress. The more you take control of the events surrounding you, the better it is for your health.
  • Do a lot of exercises.

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How does exercise reduce stress?

Exercise is an effective way of dealing with stress. It does not only deal with stress but also helps in maintaining the body healthy and fit. Doing regular and routine exercise is what many medical practitioners recommend.

The more you engage in exercise, the less likely it that stress can disturb you. Exercise can be in any form so long as the body is in some form of physical work.

Here are the benefits of reducing stress by doing exercise:

  • It keeps the body and the mind fit. Studies have shown that exercising helps in keeping the doctor away.
  • Regular exercise helps in dealing with stress. It eliminates it fully or even minimizes the effects.
  • Exercising reduces fatigue, which is also known to cause stress.It also improves alertness and enhances concentration.
  • Exercise helps in improving blood circulation and eliminating unwanted body chemicals such as high levels of calories and cholesterol.
  • Stress can cause tension to soar. However, with regular exercise, the body can eliminate it.

All the above conditions are responsible for causing stress, and they should avoid at all costs. If you let your body experience such due to lack of exercise, then the chances are high that stress will set in.

Any form of exercise is excellent, but if you can manage aerobic exercise, the better it is. Please remember to take regular breaks during the exercise.

It is essential to give some little rest to the body, as it is another method of dealing with stress. Stress kills, and you may not need to experience it.

Here are the benefits of reducing stress by doing exercise

What are the different types of stress?

There are different types of stress, depending on the stage of the attack. It ranges from mild to acute. The common types include:

  1. Acute stress. It is the most common type of stress, and it occurs regularly.
  2. Episodic stress. It results from frequent attacks by acute stress. Episode loosely translates to frequency, hence the term episodic stress.
  3. Chronic stress. It is the result of frequent episodic stress. Chronic stress is harmful, and it can even lead to depression. It can also lead to damaging some of the body organs.

Other types of stress include:

  • Time stress.
  • Anticipatory stress.
  • Situational stress and,
  • Encounter stress.

All these need some form of exercise to deal with it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Which exercise is best for stress?

There are several ways with which you can manage stress by exercising. The best ones include indoor exercise, cycling, walking, dancing, gardening, and circuit training, and so on. Much depends on how you do the exercise.

How long until exercise helps anxiety?

It depends on the type of exercise you do. However, if you take aerobic exercise, ten minutes should be enough to deal with anxiety.

How Physical Exercise Benefits Mental Health?

It improves mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Exercise also helps in reducing negative moods that can lead to stress.


Stress occurs in the human body when it faces some change. This condition can either be harmful or beneficial. In some cases, however, positive attributes are available due to stress.

However, the negative attributes are always common. There are different types of stress, and one type can lead to another type.

It is advisable to manage stress at the early stages. You can do some regular exercise, and you will be able to reduce or manage it. If you don’t work on it, it could be fatal in the long run.